Terms of service
All classes must be reserved in advance, we do not accept walk-ins. Reservations can be made up to the class start time (if spots are available).
We do not take ‘unpaid’ bookings and all reservations must be self-managed with a paid membership (subscription), pass, credit or drop in pass.
All bookings are self managed via the Dance Dynamics App or website. We do not take bookings over the phone, sms, or in studio. Classes may be booked 4 weeks in advance.
Classes should be self-cancelled a minimum 2 hours prior to the class. Classes cancelled within the 2 hour window will have the credit returned to the paid membership (subscription), pass, credit or drop in pass within its terms of use and existing expiry for future use.
‘No shows’ and reservations not cancelled 2 hours prior result in the class spot being deducted from the relevant membership (subscription), pass, credit or drop in pass.
Class Cancellations are not accepted via email, phone, sms, or in studio. They are self managed via the Dance Dynamics App or website.
When a waitlist spot opens you will be notified by sms with a minimum 1 hours notice. It is assumed you will attend unless you self cancel via the App or website.
You are responsible for cancelling and ‘no shows’ will still have the class spot deducted from the relevant membership (subscription), pass, credit or drop in pass.
The specific class allocation must be used within the paid period of the membership subscription (eg fortnight) and unused classes do not accumulate, roll over or act as a credit on membership to use at a later date.
INFORMATION, AGE RESTRICTIONS & HEALTHYou are required to update us about any change of details including phone numbers, email address, and postal address for the duration of your membership (subscription) or pass.
As client you warrant that you are physically and mentally well enough to proceed with any activities offered by Dance Dynamics and agree to tell Dance Dynamics if, at any time during your participation at any of their dance & fitness classes and/ or events you believe there is a risk to your health, or to the health of others by you participating in any activities offered.
Extreme Heat Policy - For the safety and well-being of our instructors and members, classes may be canceled if the temperature reaches 38°C or higher. We consider factors like accumulated heat, time of day, and weather forecasts.
If your class is canceled due to extreme heat, we’ll notify you directly. If the cancellation affects your ability to use credits within your subscription cycle, we’re happy to credit to a new cycle upon request. Please email us at accounts@dancedynamics.com.au.
Minimum age of attending Dance Dynamics is 13 years. We do not accept children 12 years or under. If under 16 years of age a parent/guardian authorisation may be required.
Intro passes are only available to clients new to Dance Dynamics. As a discounted service there is no refund for change of mind or part used passes.
These passes have a 6 month expiry from date of purchase. There is no refund for change of mind or part used passes.
MEMBERSHIP (subscription) SUSPENSIONS (freeze)
Membership (subscription) may be suspended anytime via our online suspension form. Suspensions are processed within 7 days and cannot be backdated. Membership will automatically restart at the end of the period requested. Memberships cannot be deferred indefinitely. A $5 per week suspension fee applies and $0 if a medical certificate is provided or the suspension is a result of a Covid related lockdown, isolation or illness.
Memberships (subscriptions) are ongoing past the minimum 12 week term until you cancel in writing or via the form on our website with a minimum of 14 days notice. Cancellation is the responsibility of the client.
Cancellations can only occur as an active member not during a suspension period.
Bank Fee 2.25% + A$0.30 for Mastercard, Visa, and AMEX Or 1.5% + A$0.30 for BECS Direct Debit. All payment services are provided by STRIPE and will appear on statements from ‘Dance Dynamics’.
Membership (subscription) auto pay are payable from your nominated account whether or not you use the facilities during the period to which the payment relates. Cancellation and suspensions are the sole responsibility of the member.
Membership (subscription) auto pays via Direct Debits (BECS) and credit cards will continue past the 12 week minimum term unless cancelled in writing by you the member. No notification will be issued to you by Dance Dynamics.
If your scheduled direct debit is unsuccessful, a second attempt will be made 2 days later. If the second attempt is unsuccessful the membership is suspended and all future reservations are removed from our booking system.
It is your responsibility to have sufficient funds available in your account to allow the arranged debit payment to be made when payment is due.
Any changes to your account details must be given in writing to Dance Dynamics not less than 7 days prior to the next debit date.
If the debit date falls on any day which is not a business day, we may ask your financial institution to debit your account on the previous or following business day.
As a client you acknowledge that a price increase can occur when we deem acceptable at our discretion.
Memberships/Passes are an arrangement between you and Dance Dynamics and are not specific to an individual class type, time, instructor or location. Class types - in studio, Interactive (online) and outdoor are interchangeable and equal in value. Individual studios can relocate or cease to run at our discretion,
Instructors & Dance Class Schedules may be changed at our discretion.
Dance Dynamics reserve the right to cancel your membership/passes if and when we deem that your presence either directly harms or effects other clients or staff in a negative, harmful or unfavourable manner.
All Transfers require 14 days notice.